In this post, we introduce our team lead Milen Dimitrov – an experienced software engineer with a strong understanding of object-oriented programming concepts, and mobile and Java application development. He started with us as an Android developer in the beginning of 2016 and has grown into a team lead role helping ITIDO to deliver value to our partners through digital transformation and process automation.
Milen is a social person and a leader by nature. He prefers to arrive at the office earlier than his colleagues so that he can estimate project tasks for the day before their execution. With his expertise, ideas, and dedication, he performs his tasks diligently and guides his teammates through their challenges.
Let’s have Milen share more detail about his role in ITIDO and the dedicated team in which he works.
“Currently I’m working on a project for a technology corporation and I’m in contact with many people. To be a successful Team lead is to have a positive attitude to the work and to the colleagues, including in situations under pressure. Any obstacles and problems should be considered as challenges and to be overcome. When a Team lead talks about solutions, results and achieved goals, he/she should say “we” and “us” not “I” or “me”. The Team lead should appreciate the team members and support colleagues’ growth.
Regarding the team members, they should be confident, responsible and proactive. In my opinion the strength of ITIDO is its people. They are professionals and they are really dedicated. At ITIDO the team is family-like, it is not just colleagues working together but also people who communicate and have fun during the work time and after that. Also the team has no fear of any problems as teammates help each other and this is proof of a team work. I think that persons who join the team and remain identify themselves with the company’s values.
I strongly believe in ITIDO company values:
- sharing knowledge and growing together
- dedication to work and value the freedom
- respect people and generate ideas in fruitful environment
ITIDO built a stable team. We are a small but constantly growing team and we need to maintain it stable and to motivate and develop professionals in the team. The good working environment and dedication of the colleagues are thanks to the management team. I like that I can speak freely with them and they support mine and team members’ ideas. Management team values the efforts of ITIDO employees and what is done by them. Like the management I try not to forget to compliment well done work as this keeps motivation.
I strive to develop my skills so that I can constantly improve not only as a team lead but as a professional too. I do my best and when my colleagues see that they do their best too. In this way we all together provide the best solutions for our partners. They give us positive feedback and this keeps our motivation. In this way a long-term partnership is built.”
Milen’s principle is that we should help each other. No one in ITIDO should ever have moments in which they feel alone in facing work challenges. He believes that senior team members should support those with less experience.
In addition, Milen desires constant growth of the team. He has supported our management team in further developing our employee training plans and metrics for measuring employees’ skills progress.
Milen also contributed in the development of an internal system for estimation of tasks, done work, and employee overtime. Investing in colleagues’ growth results in a dedicated team that provides high quality services and products.
There are many tips for dedicated team, but Milen has his own ways to increase the motivation of the team and to raise the team spirit:
- Milen organises thematic team buildings where colleagues get to know each other better. This allows him to understand what types of tasks would be more enjoyable for them when they get back to the office. When a team lead knows his team’s skills and interests, he or she is much more effective at assigning work that is not just challenging but also interesting and motivating.
- Among the many channels for different projects in our team communication and collaboration tool, Milen created a special one only for jokes. Team members work hard but there is always time to have fun together.
Work and fun go hand in hand in ITIDO, but we also organise many social activities. Milen is really active in this area, too. He designated a spot in the office where we collect computers to be donated to orphanages. And even more importantly, he organises ITIDO teammates not only to donate computers but also to spend time with the children, to tell them more about what it’s like to be a programmer, and to try to teach and inspire them to learn more about computers.
Milen shows appreciation for all the talent and hard work in the team, and the dedication and eagerness to keep learning. He is always ready to guide teammates, to share knowledge, and to support them in their progress as professionals.
Аnd finally, Milen jokes: “The silence from the QA engineers is music for the developer’s ears” which, in his words, describes his attitude to setting goals and producing quality work.
We are fortunate to have team members like Milen on board, as they help us to continue developing innovative software products with social and environmental benefits, as well as care for our enterprise and startup partners around the world.
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